Hiking at Mount Takao (Let’s enjoy hiking with green and flowers in summer)

DATE: SATURDAY, july 13, 2024



In summer, greenery and flowers of Mt. Takao are spectacular.

Why don't you take your time and refresh yourself at Mt. Takao holding streams, trees, greenery, flowers, butterfly, chirping birds, and mountain air? Mt. Takao is cooler than center of Tokyo.



Expected flowers and butterfly we can see at this hiking


Flowers:      Hydrangea, lily, etc.

Butterflies:  Butterfly flying from the far Okinawa Islands, etc.


お花:    アジサイ、ユリ、ギンリョウソウ等々

蝶々: 遠く南西諸島から飛んでくるアサギマダラ等

Meeting:      In front of Takaosan-guchi Station on the Keio Line 8:30AM

Dissolution: In front of Takaosan-guchi Station on the Keio Line around 3PM (May vary depending on the situation.)

Itinerary:     Takaosan-guchi Station (elevation 190m) - Trail 6 (Biwataki Course) 1:50 - Summit of Takaosan (elevation 599m) - 0:20 – Momiji-dai (lunch) - Makimichi 0:20 - Restroom at the bottom of the summit - 4 Route (suspension bridge) 1:10 – Kasumi-dai Park - Route 1 1:00 – Takaosan-guchi Station

                        Actual walking time: about 4.5 hours

集合:          京王線高尾山口駅前 8:30AM

解散:          京王線高尾山口駅前 3PM頃 (状況等により前後する可能性があります。)

行程:          高尾山口駅(標高190m)‐6号路(琵琶滝コース)150高尾山頂(標高599m)‐0:15紅葉台(昼食)‐まき道0:15山頂下トイレ4号路(吊り橋)110霞台園地‐琵琶滝方面1:00高尾山口駅


Participation conditions: Those who can walk on flat ground for about 3 hours are OK.

Participation fee:             3000 yen

       Please pay in cash on the day of the event or transfer to the designated account after the event.

Clothing:      Shoes suitable for mountain climbing (climbing shoes are preferred, sandals and high heels are not allowed), T-shirt + long sleeves, long pants, hat, (Note: If you are wearing a cotton T-shirt, please bring a change of clothes to protect yourself from the cold.)

What to bring: Lunch (e.g. 3 rice balls), sweets, water (1L), water bottle (hot drink if required), rain gear (upper and lower),  change of clothes (if necessary), towel, sunscreen, sunglasses, household medicine (note: Please put them in your rucksack and bring it with you.)

How to apply: Please apply to the following email address.


Application deadline: Saturday, July 6, 2024

Recruitment number: Maximum 6 peoples

Rainy weather etc.: If rain is expected, I will contact you by 7 pm the day before the event whether the tour will be held or not. In case of light rain, the tour will be held. 

Guide: Yuichi Hashimoto (Japan Mountain Guide Association Certified Guide (Mountaineering Guide Stage II))

参加条件:   平地を3時間ほど歩ける方ならOKです。

参加費:       3000


服装:          登山に適した靴(履きなれた登山靴・運動靴が望ましいです。サンダル、ハイヒールはNG)、Tシャツ+長袖、長ズボン(ジーンズはNG)、帽子、(注:木綿のTシャツの場合は汗冷え対策用に着替えを持参ください。一般的なジーンズは生地が厚く木綿性で足に負担となり、特に濡れると重くなり歩きにくくなります)

持ち物:       昼食(例えばおにぎり3つ)、お菓子等、水(1L)、水筒(必要に応じて温かい飲み物)、雨具(上下)着替え(必要に応じて)、手袋軍手など、タオル、日焼け対策(日焼け止め、サングラスなど)、個人用医薬品、健康保険証、ビニール袋(ゴミ回収用)(注:これらをリックサックに入れてご持参ください。)

応募方法: 次のメイル宛先にお申し込みください。hashimotoichi23@gmail.com

応募締切り: 20246月6()

募集人員:   最大6

雨天時等:   雨天が見込まれる場合は前日の7pmまでに催行するかどうかご連絡します。少雨の場合は催行します。




ガイド:    橋本祐一 (日本山岳ガイド協会認定ガイド(登山ガイドステージII))

Total activity hours: 4:30excluding rest time),Distance7.7 km, Accumulated up & down elevation680 m

 Measured with Yama-Reco

実働時間 04:30(休憩時間を含まず)、距離:7.7km、累積標高 登り・下り:580 m
